“Look at all you can’t see!”
“Look at all you can’t see!”
My family couldn't stop laughing when I said that.
We were driving in a deep fog one wintry night after I'd been home sick for many weeks in the 5th grade. I was mesmerized, and more delighted than a simple trip to the grocery store could cause.
It made perfect sense to me. I wasn't upset at their laughter, either. After all, it was the one thing we could count on to thoroughly enjoy together, whether we had an obvious reason to laugh or not. I just figured it was their way of picking up on my excitement.
I suppose they were used it by now; even a young artists's eye is often focused on what is invisible until she paints it, or writes about it.
Have you ever listened to a musician's own private playlist? They hear harmonies we never notice in the day's sounds, or we just label them noise.
Look at all you can't see... you might be amazed!
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Living the creative life in Los Angeles, always experimenting, in words & images...
Back in the last century, I wanted to find a way to create and convey images without having to use paper.
Fantasy, it seemed.
But suddenly, Voila !
Many smart minds got very busy in the ensuing decades and nanoseconds…
we've gone from using 32KB of computer RAM to get to the Moon...
to using a gargantuan 2GB these days to fire up a standard home computer...
and lo and behold, along the way we really did learn how to make visual art without paper.
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Cyberspace is a strange and wondrous place with only two time zones, Awake and Asleep.
One of these days I’ll get the hang of these two zones. Awake seems Tangible, while Asleep remains veiled, even Virtual.
Perhaps finding a steadier set of bio-rhythms to unite them will be our reward after a few more decades online.
Artifact and Art, as elusive and intriguing as ever.
I dabble, doodle, and discover, therefore I am.
In the meantime, you are invited to stroll through a sampling from decades of making art on-and-off paper.
— Diane